Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Weekly Update - October 14

Kindergarten: We started discussing fiction vs. nonfiction.  We read Tony Baloney by Pam Muños Ryan and compared it to a nonfiction book about penguins.  We took a book walk through some more fiction and nonfiction books and discussed their category and why.

First Grade: Read aloud: Tom's Tweet by Jill Esbaum (an Iowa Goldfinch nominee)  We continued working on IPICK and choosing a good fit book.

Second Grade: Read aloud: Memoirs of a Goldfish by Devin  Scillian (an Iowa Goldfinch nominee).  We finished looking for books on the shelf in the fiction section.  We are able to find "our author shelf"!

Third through Sixth Grade: We completed a district survey about technology.  Some classes had time to discuss their current library focus, but most of the time was spent taking the survey.

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