Thursday, October 31, 2013

Genre Challenge Winners - October

Congratulations to Ms. Rindel's class for reading the most Mystery books in October!!  It was a CLOSE one! Their class will receive a popcorn party in library sometime in November!

We had a record breaking 52 students participate this month!!  That's great!  All together 137 books were read this month!  Let's hope this continues into November

November's genre is Historical Fiction.

All results:
3M - 51 (+)
3R - 52 (+)
3S - 31 (+)
4C - 2 (+)
4H - 0 (=)
4S - 34 (+)
5G - 5 (+)
5P - 0 (=)
6H - 2 (-)
6S - 12  (+)

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