Thursday, October 31, 2013

Genre Challenge Winners - October

Congratulations to Ms. Rindel's class for reading the most Mystery books in October!!  It was a CLOSE one! Their class will receive a popcorn party in library sometime in November!

We had a record breaking 52 students participate this month!!  That's great!  All together 137 books were read this month!  Let's hope this continues into November

November's genre is Historical Fiction.

All results:
3M - 51 (+)
3R - 52 (+)
3S - 31 (+)
4C - 2 (+)
4H - 0 (=)
4S - 34 (+)
5G - 5 (+)
5P - 0 (=)
6H - 2 (-)
6S - 12  (+)

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from the Library Aliens!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Weekly Update - Two Weeks in One! - October 30

Time got away from me toward the end of this month, so I thought I'd combine the two weekly posts into one!

Kindergarten: We learned about the different parts of a book and read some Halloween stories.  We also talked about the difference between fiction and nonfiction!

First Grade:  We read Piggie Pie and Zoom Broom both by Margie Palatini.  We story mapped one and created a new ending for the other!

Second Grade: Last week we read Memoirs of a Hamster by Devin Scillian and created our own memoir.  This week we read a book about pumpkins and took notes!

Third Grade: Last week we finished up our digital citizenship unit by using what we've learned to write emails to our teacher.  This week we read The Widow's Broom by Chris VanAllsburg and summarized it!

Fourth Grade: Last week we worked more with Destiny Quest and this week we learned about finding what we need in the library.

Fifth Grade: We're still working on digital citizenship, last week we focused on staying safe online.  This week we worked on cyberbullying.

Sixth Grade:  Last week we finished our mini unit on cyberbullying and this week we moved on to searching and locating materials in the library.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Weekly Update - October 14

Kindergarten: We started discussing fiction vs. nonfiction.  We read Tony Baloney by Pam Muños Ryan and compared it to a nonfiction book about penguins.  We took a book walk through some more fiction and nonfiction books and discussed their category and why.

First Grade: Read aloud: Tom's Tweet by Jill Esbaum (an Iowa Goldfinch nominee)  We continued working on IPICK and choosing a good fit book.

Second Grade: Read aloud: Memoirs of a Goldfish by Devin  Scillian (an Iowa Goldfinch nominee).  We finished looking for books on the shelf in the fiction section.  We are able to find "our author shelf"!

Third through Sixth Grade: We completed a district survey about technology.  Some classes had time to discuss their current library focus, but most of the time was spent taking the survey.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Weekly Update - October 4

Kindergarten: We read The Shelf Elf and talked about ways we can do our job in the library.

First Grade:We read Blackout a Goldfinch Award Nominee and continued to work with IPICK.

Second Grade:We read I Dare You Not to Yawn and did an activity to locate different shelves in the library.

Third Grade: They were at Museum School and didn't get to come to library.

Fourth Grade: We are setting reading goals that we hope to achieve by November 30.  Ask us about them!

Fifth Grade:We continued working with Digital Passport.

Sixth Grade: Completed their study of digital footprints.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Genre Challenge Winners - September

Congratulations to Ms. Shook's class for reading the most Science Fiction books in September!!  This was the first month of the genre challenge this year. Their class will receive a popcorn party in library sometime in October!

October's genre is Mystery/Suspense/Scary Stories.

All results:
3M - 7
3R - 0
3S - 0
4C - 0
4H - 0
4S - 9
5G - 2
5P - 0
6H - 4
6S - 5