Friday, December 21, 2012

Weekly Update

Due to a long break between now and the next class, I'll update today!

Kindergarten: We worked with an interactive story of The Gingerbread Boy.  Then we read Redbird at Rockefeller Center by Peter Maloney.  We watched a video about the REAL tree in Rockefeller Center and watched this year's annual tree lighting.

First GradeThe Reindeer Christmas by Mo Price was our read aloud story.  We worked on predicting and brainstormed what kind of animal we would choose to pull Santa's sleigh.

Second Grade: We are still working on our Nonfiction Lap Books.  We're getting closer to getting them completed!

Third Grade: We read The Fright Before Christmas by James Howe and worked on summarizing.

Fourth Grade: We began a library quest called Locked in the Library.

Fifth Grade: We looked at a websites about DHMO and discussed the validity of them.  Then we were introduced to the Pomegranate Phone!

Sixth Grade: We are continuing work on our AEA presentations.  Today was our first full work day and our projects are due at the end of the next class period.

All grade levels are invited to participate in a reading challenge over Winter Break.  Click here for more details!

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