Friday, September 28, 2012

Library Update

Kindergarten:  We started checking out from a cart today.  Looking for books on a cart reminds us how to use a shelf marker and encourages us to put books back the right way.  We also read The Shelf Elf, which shows us how books on shelves in the library are supposed to look.  We also continued to share the books we checked out.

First Grade: We are continuing with our fractured fairy tales unit.  This week we read Cinderella and Cinder Elly.  Again, we compared and contrasted the two.  We also started a conversation about what makes a fractured fairy tale.

Second Grade:  We are continuing to work on text features in non-fiction.  We're working on finding them in non-fiction books on our own and sharing for what they are important.

Third Grade: We accessed our OWN accounts this week!  We used our own student ID numbers to access our computers.  We also accessed our Gmail accounts!  We're learning a lot with technology!

Fourth Grade: We also are working on using our Gmail accounts.  We logged into the computers and into our gmail accounts to share a document.  As we utilize these accounts, we are reminded that there are rules and consequences with everything we do, some a positive but some are negative.  We also started choosing biographies for our Wax Museum project which will be a collaboration between the 4th grade teachers and myself.

Fifth & Sixth Grade: As we continue to work on Digital Citizenship we started working with an online program through CommonSense Media.

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