Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Library Update

Kindergarten: We got to check out books this week!  We're working on finding a safe place to store our book at home when we're not reading it.  We also talked about finding a book that we can read.  Reading in Kindergarten means reading the words, reading the pictures, or reading with someone!  We also added our 4th Kindergarten this week!  How exciting!

First Grade: We are still working on choosing "good fit books."  We practiced the I PICK rap again and talked more about the books we might choose.  We also read Goldie Socks and the Three Libearians!  Goldie Socks helps us figure out if a book is too hard, too easy, or just right!

Second Grade:  We also practiced the I PICK rap and continued to make sure one of the books we checked out was a good fit.  We are focusing on choosing a just right nonfiction book.  We love to read true books so it's time to figure out what fits us well!

Third Grade: We finished looking at the Acceptable Use Policy and what it means.  We practiced our I PICK rap so we're ready for Literacy Night (Sept. 17!).  We also started talking about good fit books and what that looks like for third graders.  We're starting to get into chapter books that have fewer pictures and more words.

Fourth Grade: After finishing up with the Acceptable Use Policy, we moved onto Internet Safety and what that means in our grade level.

Fifth Grade: We also finished looking at the Acceptable Use Policy and moved into Internet Safety.  We watched a video about CyberEthics.

Sixth Grade: After looking at the Acceptable Use Policy and talking about the rules, we continued a conversation about Internet Safety as well.  We watched a video about leaving Digital Footprints behind.

As you can see K-3 are focusing this quarter on choosing a good fit book and grades 4-6 are focusing on Digital Citizenship.  Both of these skills are "Essential Skills" the elementary librarians in the district have chosen to work on this year.  These are skills we have established during our Collaborative Team Times on Wednesday afternoons.  If you're interested in hearing more about the work we do, feel free to contact me.

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