Monday, December 17, 2012

Weekly Update

Kindergarten: We read There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bell by Lucille Collandro, then we used the Interactive Mimio Board to retell the story.  We also read Olive, the Other Reindeer by Vivian Walsh.

First Grade: Auntie Claus and the Key to Christmas by Elise Primavera was our read aloud story.  We discussed what we thought might happen in the story (Prediction) and talked about whether or not we were correct.

Second Grade: We continued our work with our Nonfiction Lap Books.  We're hoping to have these completed by the end of the semester.  They're really helping us remember which text features are which.

Third Grade: Dewey Book Body helped us learn more about the different nonfiction sections in the library.  We use our body to help us remember which books go where.

Fourth Grade: Do You Know Dewey?: Exploring the Dewey Decimal System by Brian Cleary was our first read aloud of the year.  It's a simple book that helps us figure out what books are in which section of the nonfiction.  Next time we will begin a library quest called Locked in the Library.

Fifth Grade: We discussed our search engines and chose the ones we thought would be best for different scenarios.  We  found Kidsclick to be the best for research.  Best for searching is Kidsclick , Cybersleuth-kids,  Kids Yahoo, AOL and Ask Kids were best for at home.  We enjoyed looking at each website!

Sixth Grade: We started a new project using the Iowa AEA Online Resources.  These subscription sites are provided to us free from the Iowa Area Education Agencies.  Our job is to create something (a presentation, a video, a website, etc.) to share with teachers about our site.  We want to share with teachers what the website offers, why it's useful for a teacher, and give an example of how it could be used in the classroom.  We hope to finish these by the end of the semester.

All grade levels are invited to participate in a reading challenge over Winter Break.  Click here for more details!

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