Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekly Update - September 9

Kindergarten: Read Aloud: Wild About Books by Judi Sierra and Marc Brown  In Kindergarten, we continued to checkout from tables as we reviewed book care.  We were also able to take a tour of the library.  We saw where different books were AND where the books go after we put them in the return slot!  It was an exciting class!  We also started computer times this week, ask your child about their experience.

First Grade: This week we learned the IPICK rap.  We will be performing this rap at 1st grade literacy night on September 16!  IPICK is a way for us to choose books that are good for us.

Second Grade: We are working with good fit nonfiction books.  We talked about books that are too easy or too hard in nonfiction.  We worked at looking at nonfiction books and picking one that fit us well.

Third Grade: Soon we will have access to our Gmail accounts in third grade but first we had to learn about the rules.  We talked about the rules and what that means for us.  We also talked about the Genre Challenge, which this month is Science Fiction.

Fourth Grade: We are working on being good digital citizens.  We watched a short video about our online usage and that everything is public and permanent!

Fifth Grade: We also are working on being good digital citizens and watched a video about our choices online also.  We took a short quiz to see our current knowledge.

Sixth Grade: We're working on digital citizenship though our digital footprint.  We started with a video and will use extension activities in the weeks to come.

We're a busy place!

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