Friday, May 10, 2013

Weekly Update - May 10

As the year is winding down, we will be at limited or no checkout.  This is a perfect time to checkout the public library or the teacher collection in the child's classroom!

Kindergarten: We are creating our OWN circle stories during library!  They're turning out great!

First Grade: We shared our poems (look for these to come home) with the class.  We read Weslandia by Paul Fleischmann.  We will create our own civilizations next library time!

Second Grade: As the year winds down we are spending a few class periods talking about Internet Safety.  As the summer comes around, there are more opportunities for students to use computers, and sometimes unsupervised or with a babysitter.  This makes the end of the year a perfect opportunity to teach Internet Safety skills.  This week's lesson was on privacy.

Third Grade:  We wrapped up the classroom animal projects by spending time online with Owen & Mzee as well as working on library book order in Order in the Library.

Fourth Grade: We finished our Spine Label poems.  They will be online soon!

Fifth Grade: We discussed text features in non-fiction; what they are and why they're important to the text.

Sixth Grade: We finished our Lewis Carroll author study and chose our end of the year topics.  We are doing mini-mini-research projects, a video project, or both!

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