Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Weekly Update - April 16

April is National Poetry Month and to celebrate, I choose poetry projects for the grade levels to participate in.  Here's what we're up to!

Kindergarten: We read Old McDonald Had a Farm and compared it to Ms. MacDonald Had a Class.  We had extra time to listen to the poem book Chicky, Chicky, Chook Chook.

First Grade:  We created Acrostic Poems using our first name.  They turned out great and the students did a nice job!

Second Grade: We are creating and typing shape poems using nature themed shapes.  Some of the shapes tie into the classroom study of weather.

Third Grade:  Jack Prelutsky is our author focus and we created our own version of his poem Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens.  They are humorous!

Fourth Grade: Our bibliographies are taking us longer then expected, but we're still plugging away on them!

Fifth Grade: We started creating biography I Am poems.  We used two music songs as inspiration, "Who I Am" by Jessica Andrews and "Where I Come From" by Alan Jackson.  We'll spend a few class periods on this project.

Sixth Grade: We finished our Dewey commercials!  They are great and some are VERY creative!

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