Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Library Update - March 6

Kindergarten: Read Aloud: Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed by Mo Willems & The Naked Mole-Rat by Jody Rake We finished our Mo Willems author study and will move into nonfiction.  We used the two read alouds to discuss fiction vs. nonfiction.

First Grade:We're starting work on nonfiction.  We talked about nonfiction text features and what they are used for in nonfiction.

Second Grade:  We are continuing working on the nonfiction and where books are found.  We will be moving into locating books next!

Third Grade:  Nonfiction text features are our focus as well.  We're looking at different ones and why they're important in our reading.

Fourth Grade:  We are also working on nonfiction text features and starting a mini-research project.

Fifth Grade:We learned about creating bibliographies using EasyBib.  We worked on them during class time.

Sixth Grade: We learned about EasyBib and how useful it can be to create a bibliography for our decades research in social studies.  We worked on them during class time.

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