Thursday, November 1, 2012

Weekly Update

Kindergarten: We read Halloween inspired books this week.  We learned about the word prediction and how we can use that to be good readers.

First Grade: We finished our unit on looking for text-to-text connections.  This week we read Zoom Broom by Margie Palatini. We compared it with Piggie Pie, also by her, which we read last week.

Second Grade:  We continued with notetaking this week.  We read a book about pumpkins and took notes as a large group.

Third Grade: 3R and 3M worked on summarizing the book The Widow's Broom by Chris Van Allsburg.  3S didn't have class because of Museum School.  Congratulations to Mrs. Michael's class for winning the genre challenge for October!

Fourth Grade: We used Animoto to share our short video about the Wax Museum person.  They also started discussing the library and how to find things they need.  The videos can be found on the library website, Ms. Hewett's class and Mrs. Canady's class.

Fifth & Sixth Grade: We are finishing work on Digital Citizenship with an online program through CommonSense Media.  This week our focus was how to search using keywords.  We need to remember that fewer words sometimes make the best searches!

Overall, we have had a great first quarter!  Watch for overdue notices coming home over conferences!

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