Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Genre Challenge - October

Congratulations to Mr. Halvorson's 6th grade class for reading the most Mystery/Suspense/Horror books in October!!  This was the second month of the genre challenge.  Their class will receive a popcorn party in library!  It was such a close race!
November's genre is Historical Fiction.
All results:
3R - 2
3S - 1
4C - 3
4H -1
5P - 0
5T - 0
6H - 9 (6 participants)
6S - 9 (5 participants)
Wow!  What a close call!  My tie breaker is the amount of participants, so Mr. Halvorson's class won by one participant.  I hope to see this much excitement in November!

We saw decreasing numbers this month due to Iowa Children's Choice, I hope to see more participation in November!

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