Saturday, October 29, 2011

Library Update

We are having a lot of fun in the library!

Kindergarten - Grade 2 are working on finding a "just right" book.  We've practiced the 5 Finger Method (ask Grade 1 & 2 students to teach you our song!).  We also are learning the I PICK rap ( this week!  It's a fun way to review how to choose a "good fit" book.  We'll be working on this for a while, so make sure you're asking your students why they chose the library book they did!

Kindergarten has been learning about "just right" books most recently by going on a Book Hunt.  We had a lot of fun going on a bear hunt and going on a ghost hunt too!

First grade has been reading a lot of books by Margie Palatini. She writes humorous books but they are ones that are best shared with an older reader.

Second Grade read a few funny books about a witch.  We worked on making comparisons between books and finding the rhyming words.

Third grade has graduated from Netbook 101!  They learned how to use the netbooks and how to access the information they need.  We worked on search techniques and how to find books that interest them.

Fourth grade has been working very hard on their Wax Museum projects.  If you haven't seen them, come to the school on Monday, October 31 from 1-2 and view them!  We created Kidspiration webs and also timelines in the library.  We're finishing up our biography unit and will be moving on soon!  Third grade has the opportunity to participate in the genre challenge too!  November's genre is Historical Fiction.

Fifth grade has also finished Netbook 101!  We're moving to Internet Safety in November.  Iowa Children's Choice and Genre Challenge are two reading promotions fifth grade can participate in.

Sixth grade is finishing up a short unit on copyright and they are planning the rest of their year.  As top dogs, they are able to come and help shelve books in the library on all odd days (1, 3, 5) so I hope to see them at 8:30 on those days!

We're having a great year so far!  I will be available at conferences if you have questions or concerns about your child and the library.  I'm also available to show you our space or talk with you about curriculum!  Come see me in the library!

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