Monday, November 12, 2012

Weekly Update

Kindergarten: We made predictions this week using the Mystery Box.  Inside the box was a leaf, a mouse, and a pumpkin.  It was very interesting to hear the predictions that were made.  We read the book Mousekin's Golden House by Edna Miller and wrote about what else an old jack-o-lantern could be.

First Grade: We read Bread and Jam for Frances by Russell Hoban and discussed the importance of choosing different books in the library.  Although we have our favorites, we need to read a variety of books.  The students filled out a sheet about their "bread and jam book" and trying something new.  Hopefully, you saw a different type of book come home this week!

Second Grade:  We read Milly and the Macy's Parade by Shana Corey.  This is a historical fiction book about how the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was started.  We worked on our predicting skills throughout the book.  This is a skill also being taught in the classroom.

Third Grade: Our essential skill for second quarter is searching and locating books in the library.  We took a survey on our knowledge of the library catalog and started to explore what it can do.  We'll continue working on this to become experts at finding what we want.

Fourth Grade: Searching and locating books in the library is our skill too.  We reviewed where books are located in our library and how they are shelved.  We'll continue to work with the library catalog.

Fifth Grade: In Social Studies, explorers is the focus, so in library we're searching and locating information online about different explorers.  We took notes and discussed what we found.

Sixth Grade: The Northwest Pacific Tree Octopus was our focus this week.  We learned about this endangered creature, took notes, and discussed our findings as a class.  It was very informative!

Please check out the book fair over conferences.  It's a great way to support your students' literacy!

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