Thursday, March 27, 2014

Target Readers Visit!

On Tuesday, readers from the Target Distribution Center came and read with our first and second graders.  They had a great time!  We were also gifted with $500 for our library and book room.  We are so lucky to have a great company in our community!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Book Brackets Update

Here are the results from Round 3!  We're down to the final 4!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Book Tournaments!

We have so many great things going on in the library!  Last week, we started a book battle.  It's a tournament style bracket with different books or book characters that the students enjoy.  We created a K-2 Character Bracket and a 3-6 Book Bracket.  We just finished our first round, here are the results!
I can't wait to see what Round 3 brings!