Thursday, January 31, 2013

Genre Challenge - January

Congratulations to Mr. Grafenberg's class for reading the most Biography/Autobiography books in January!  His class will receive a popcorn party sometime in February!
February's genre is Historical Fiction.
All results (and whether the class increased or decreased):
3M - 18 (-)
3R - 11 (-)
3S - 0 (-)
4C - 28 (-)
4H - 4 (-)
5G - 36 (+)
5P - 0 (-)
6H - 0 (=)
6S - 0 (=)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Library Update - January 23

Kindergarten: Read Aloud: Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems and class choice of Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late and The Pigeon Wants a Puppy.  We also drew our own pigeon!

First Grade: Read Aloud: The Hat by Jan Brett  We summarized the book and made comparisons between it and The Mitten also by Jan Brett.

Second Grade: Read Aloud: Edwina, the Dinosaur Who Didn't Know She Was Extinct by Mo Willems. We did a writing activity about what dinosaurs would do if they were alive today.

Third Grade: We worked on creating a GoogleDoc and sharing it with our classroom teacher.  Some classes had enough time to log into DestinyQuest and find new books we are interested in!

Fourth Grade: We're closing in on the end of the Locked in the Library project, and we're continuing to work on locating materials on the shelf.

Fifth Grade: Our research project is underway.  We spent the class period looking for information about our topics!

Sixth Grade: Our next project is an author project to share with our Kindergarten pals.  We're choosing a children's book author to learn about.  Next time we will create a poster with our information!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Library Update - January 11

Kindergarten: Read Aloud: Mouse Shapes by Ellen Stoll Walsh  We built a mouse using different shapes.  We also read Mouse Paint by the same author and compared the two books.

First Grade: Read Aloud: The Mitten by Jan Brett  We summarized the book.  Next time we will read The Hat also by Jan Brett and make comparisons between the books.

Second Grade: Read Aloud: The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins by Brian Selznick   We read and discussed this biography.  It tied well to the dinosaur unit they are doing in their classrooms.

Third Grade: We continue to work on the nonfiction section of the library and the Dewey Decimal system.  We explored different titles in the different hundreds section.  It was fun to see different kinds of books!

Fourth Grade: We're continuing with Locked in the Library but extending it to finding things in the library and using the catalog to find what is available.  We're also working on our order of library materials.

Fifth Grade: We are starting our research projects.  This class period we read a book called R is for Research by Toni Buzzeo.  Even though it's a picture book it had good ideas for us to think about.  We listed our top three research topic ideas and started to look at what would be available.

Sixth Grade: We finished our presentations and presented them to our classmates. These projects will be shared with the teachers at Orchard Hill to help them learn about the different AEA Online Resources.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Library Update - January 4

Due to the two snow days before break, this update looks a lot like the other update, but I wanted to stay on target!  I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing two weeks off!

Kindergarten: Read Aloud: Sniffles, Sneezes, Hiccups, and Coughs by Peggy Raife Durant.  We discussed that it is a nonfiction book and we learned about our body.  Some classes made a comparison to the book Pigs Make Me Sneeze by Mo Willems.  That is a fiction book because pigs and elephants can't talk!

First Grade: Read Aloud: The Great Mitten Mystery by Steven Kellogg  We wrote about what our favorite snow activity was.  We illustrated our sentence and hid a mitten in the picture.

Second Grade: We are still working on our Nonfiction Lap Books.  We're getting closer to getting them completed!

Third Grade: Read Aloud: Sam and the Lucky Money by Karen Chinn  We worked in table groups to complete a summary of the book.

Fourth Grade: We began a library quest called Locked in the Library.

Fifth Grade: We looked at a websites about DHMO and discussed the validity of them.  Then we were introduced to the Pomegranate Phone!

Sixth Grade: We are continuing work on our AEA presentations.  Today was our last work day and our projects will be presented during the next class period.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Genre Challenge - December

Congratulations to Mrs. Canady's class for reading the most Realistic Fiction books in December!  Her class will receive a popcorn party in library sometime in January!
January's genre is Biography/Autobiography.
All results (and whether the class increased or decreased between  November & December):
3M - 23 (-)
3R - 28 (-)
3S - 18 (-)
4C - 43 (+)
4H - 5 (-)
5G - 6 (+)
5P - 2 (+)
6H - 0 (=)
6S - 0 (=)