Friday, August 31, 2012

Library Update

Each time we finish a library cycle I'm going to write a quick update on what's going on with each grade level.  This will provide you with a quick overview of what your child is learning in the library!

Kindergarten: We took a library "safari" and checked out all the different aspects of the library.  We also looked at some damaged books and talked about book care.  We're hoping to checkout books next time they visit!

First Grade: Our grade level worked on choosing "good fit books."  We practiced the I PICK rap we learned last year and talked about the different kinds of books we might choose.  We also read Stella Louella's Runaway Book!

Second Grade:  We read Miss Smith Reads Again (which is a sequel book to one read in the classroom).  We also practiced the I PICK rap and made sure one of the books we checked out was a good fit.  Did we do a good job?

Third Grade: This is the first year students get access to their email accounts.  To prepare we're looking at the Acceptable Use Policy and what it means.  We also checked out books!

Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade: Before getting on computers this year we also looked at the Acceptable Use Policy and talked about what the rules are.  We started a conversation about Internet Safety as well.

We are looking forward to learning more in the weeks to come!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Week!

Well we have gotten off to a great start in the library.  We saw all of the classes and had successful checkouts!  Kindergarten is learning about the library and the rules we follow when we're there.  They met my friend the Library Lion who will watch over them during the next few weeks.  First and second grade reviewed the rules of the library and are starting to work on finding Good Fit books!  This ties into the Daily 5 they work on in the classroom.  Third through sixth grade also did some library review and we learned about each other as readers.  They will start to work on digital citizenship which is our essential skill for the first quarter.  We are starting out strong in the library and I'm looking forward to keeping the readers updated on what's new!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

First Day of School!

I hope everyone had a great first day of school!  It was wonderful to see all the smiling faces.  I hope everyone had a great summer too!  We got right to work in library today, reviewing the library rule, and even checking out books!  The class schedule is as follows.  I hope it helps you remember when to send your books back!

Day 1 - Mrs. Shaw (3)
Day 2 - Mr. Grafenberg (5), Mr. Halvorson (6), and Mrs. Terwilliger (K)
Day 3 - Ms. Rindels (3), Mrs. Winkowitsch (2), Ms. Shook (1), and Mrs. Halvorson (K)
Day 4 - Mrs. Penberthy (5), Ms. Hewett (4), and Mrs. Watters (1)
Day 5 - Mrs. Michael (3), Ms. Schatzberg (2), Mrs. Bobeldyk (1), and Mrs. Graham (K)
Day 6 - Mrs. Schwab (6), Mrs. Canady (4), and Mrs. Balthazor (2)

If you have questions or concerns, feel free to call or email me!
Mrs. Newgard