Friday, September 30, 2011

Genre Challange - September

Congratulations to Mrs. Canady's 4th grade class for reading the most Realistic Fiction books in September!!  This was the first month of the genre challenge.  Their class will receive a popcorn party in library!
October's genre is Mystery/Suspense/Horror.
All results:
3R - 0
3S - 0
4C - 25
4H - 11
5P - 2
5T - 1
6H - 6
6S - 12

Also, Iowa Children's Choice starts Monday!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Library Update

All of our new books we ordered over the summer are out and available for checkout!  Teachers were invited to a Book Look on Tuesday and students have been checking them out ever since.  We have a lot of great titles!  Ask your student if he or she has checked one out!

Here's a brief summary of what we've been doing in library so far!

Kindergarten - We are working on basic book parts.  Taking care of our books was another topic we have covered.  Last week we started checking out books.  So far the students have been very responsible about returning them on time.  Let's keep it up!

First Grade - We have also been working on basic book parts, taking care of books, and taking care of our library.  Choosing a good book has also been a topic.  Our read aloud books have tied into schema, which they are learning about in their classrooms.

Second Grade - Read alouds for second graders have tied into frogs, toads, and community.  These are areas of study in their classroom, so we are making good connections to prior knowledge.  We have been working on fiction vs. non-fiction books and more advanced book parts.  Ask your second grader to show you the publication information.

Third Grade - Advanced book parts, table of contents, index, and glossary are our focus areas now.  We've discussed book care and location of books too.  Third grade gets to participate in the genre challenge.  Reminder that this month is Realistic Fiction.

Fourth Grade - These classes are also eligible for the genre challenge.  Fourth grade is working on book placement in the library.  We're learning about how all of the sections are organized and doing our best to find books.

Fifth Grade - These classes are going more in-depth into finding a book and organization of books.  Using the catalog is a skill we are also working on.  This grade level has a lot going on, they are able to participate in the genre challenge as well as adopt-a-shelf.

Sixth Grade - We are learning about being safe on the Internet.  Recently, we discussed our Digital Footprint.  These lessons also correlate with Internet Safety lessons they are learning in the classroom.  Sixth grade are also able to participate in the genre challenge as well as adopt-a-shelf.

If you have any questions about the library, feel free to contact me!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

6th Grade Internet Safety

This week our 6th grade students took a survey about their Internet and cell phone usage.  I am going to use the data to help guide our unit on Internet Safety.  The results were very interesting and would be great conversation starters for 6th graders (or any other grade for that matter).  I hope you find this information as interesting as I did!
© Mrs. Newgard
Clicking on the image makes it easier to read.

Friday, September 2, 2011


©iClipart, 2011

Another new program in the library this year is the Adopt-a-Shelf program.  Students in 5th and 6th grade were invited to take a leadership role in the library by signing up for a shelf to take care of.  They are asked to make sure the books are in order and towards the front of the shelf.  This optional program aims to help students feel an ownership of the library, as well as help keep our space looking nice.  I am excited for the program.  If you have questions or concerns, please let me know!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Genre Challenge

We're trying something new this year!  It's called the Genre Challenge.
Each month a genre will be chosen. Students who read a book (at their level) in that genre can fill out a form and give their class a point.  The class with the most points at the end of the month receive a popcorn party.  Each month the points will be reset and a new genre will be chosen.
September's genre is Realistic Fiction
I hope to have a lot of students try new kinds of books and participate in the challenge.
A copy of the form is below.
 Image:© Mrs. Newgard