Thursday, November 3, 2011

Scholastic Book Fair

We have a Scholastic Book Fair going on right now!  If you missed it, you can still access it online at
Choose Iowa, Cedar Falls, Orchard Hill School
Want to support the library?  You can view the library wish list by clicking Classroom Wishlists (button on the left hand side) and choosing Media Specialist/Librarian
All books purchased for the library are available for all students to check out!
You can preview the wishlist here
Thanks for your continued support for the library!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Genre Challenge - October

Congratulations to Mr. Halvorson's 6th grade class for reading the most Mystery/Suspense/Horror books in October!!  This was the second month of the genre challenge.  Their class will receive a popcorn party in library!  It was such a close race!
November's genre is Historical Fiction.
All results:
3R - 2
3S - 1
4C - 3
4H -1
5P - 0
5T - 0
6H - 9 (6 participants)
6S - 9 (5 participants)
Wow!  What a close call!  My tie breaker is the amount of participants, so Mr. Halvorson's class won by one participant.  I hope to see this much excitement in November!

We saw decreasing numbers this month due to Iowa Children's Choice, I hope to see more participation in November!